Alan Harrison’s beautiful (and magnificent) Collection!
Those cabinets are very similar to mine but they include vintage Toy Soldiers by Lucotte and other niceties I can not afford… also is much more bigger a collection than mine… Congratulations!
NICE!More exotic!Quite mixed subjectsLots of CavalryAnd more…Say WOW! if you please…
Today the minis all are from BACCUS 6MM… ACW detail… and a Crimean War perspective.
Wargamers in this scale must understand the importance of flags: “They make the Unit”.
I embellished a bit the Rebels…
And an apology is due to Greg (done) because the colour and shade of the horses is as I asked for… the day I opened the parcel my eyes were not true to form (and in a hurry!) and I thought they were all the same shade of colour!
Once this said I still prefer the ACW in 6MM to any other period because the size and the real uniforms go well together… Crimean and Napoleonic Units have an excess of detail very hard to “impressionistically” (pointilisme) translate to 6MM (but I can be wrong you know!… have seen marvelous painting (including faces!) of them in 6MM… it is me who do not seem able to achieve the right compromise!… but I stubbornly go on…
More in future Posts.
Those two Brigades were at Harper’s Ferry and did not arrive at the field of battle in Antietam/Sharpsburg (in fact they were in the DHL parcel)The Crimean War British Heavy Brigade Baccus Proxies 6MM
It sounds silly maybe, but I first bought a box of them in the old Tradition of London shop (no longer there I fear). And it expanded… and grow… and I even painted some casts myself… and asked for specials to Jack Duke (DUCAL) who obliged… and then he did the Colours… and the Band… and I did the Pioneers… and it took years to complete as it is now… and had lots of FUN doing it!
So here you have it (I did a Post showing a close up of the Band no long ago), A General’s Inspection of The Royal West Kent in 54mm (Three shelves in the small cabinet in Pal).
It’s a real fest!… they do not come every day of the week you know… it had been a long wait due to initial hesitation on my part… no clear objectives… lack of suitable proxies (in my head)… and what not!… as it was the parcel had in it The Crimean Heavy Brigade of Cavalry using proxies (1854); a couple of ACW Brigades; and some Colonial Troops (Egyptians and Sudanese for Omdurman) and Gurkhas for the North Wesr Frontier… (the later from Heroic&Ros)… the bulk of it from Baccus.
I started buying painted 6MM Baccus from Greg (Robert Jackson) many years ago… to my everlasting satisfaction!… he is constantly very good on the periods I fancy and even if crossing emails with him is sometimes an exercise of laconism (mainly his) communications are also very good and he understands my needs (sometimes overcomplicated)
You must be a collector/wargamer/old-hand to understand fully the mixed emotions!
So I will give you a bunch of first pics now and a second when flags added to the ACW Rebels (lol) and a touch here and there from my hands and pleasure!
Try to enjoy as much as I do!
DHL if you please!The whole lot!Crimean Scarlett’s Heavy BrigadeClose up of one of the Heavy RegimentsGeneral Scarlett and the Scot Greys
Quite a fascinating subject… how to build a staff around a single basic model, and that in 42mm (Britain’s smaller scale)
I have always admired Mr. Hilditch work… you can see other examples of his output in this webpage.
I think he would be glad to know that REPLICA (read Andrew Stevens) has a range of 42mm available again!… quite Britain’s style if you ask me!… so those who love that scale are in for a good time…
They are all conversions from a single original mini.The other side
Something I have tried myself quite recently… modifying ready made casts… it is fun and gratifying. I will not go as far as saying mine are “pieces uniques” but quite original sometimes!
For once this is really FUN!
Beginnig with a basic castDetailed comments by author!Close UpLeft arm modificationFinal result with different heads, paintjob and self printed flags!
Long long long ago I bought 54MM Toy Soldiers in a regular basis.
I did collect what was my fancy when a child, I have to admit that I was so busy (in my real life) that usually they come out of the box and straight into the cabinet (not much time to play when in age of working).
Nowadays retired I can display at leisure, but somehow TIME slips by and projects are very slow in coming to fruition.
I am waiting for some painted Toy Soldiers since last November (2022), also casts in 54mm too that now I paint myself (I enjoy doing that).
And some odds and ends in 6MM… including a River Nile British Gunboat thanks to the courtesy of Daniel Hodgson.
It is hard to wait for them!
RCMP Mounted and dismounted.The late Queen Elizabeth II and some “specials” from DUCAL
When you collect in 54MM… the basic scale for that… you can do it on Military Subjects or even Civilian…
But the final choice is product of a Fun attitude!
Those are from my private Collection for once… (also tomorrow’s Post).
DUCAL Royal West Kent BandHolmes&Watson telling Lestrade they are going to take a Hansom Cab. RPWorldModelsPoliceman and Medical personnel…RP.WorldModels