GETTYSBURG 2 July 1863 early morning. 6MM

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It took me a long time to retake the “game”… a trip and real life interfering…

All troops are on the table (even the one’s that will arrive on the third of July as there was place to put them on).

If General Lee has had the aerial perspective I got he would have been shocked by the strenght of the Union position and the numbers of the Army of the Potomac.

In the pics you have General Meade original dispositions… some will move along as per III Corps (forward) and the reinforcement of Culp’s Hill.

Seriously, once i started putting the brigades into place I realized the hopeless situation of the Confederates attacking an entrenched superior Army uphill.

Well, I love recreating those battles on the tabletop but I am getting too old and prone to anguish when I imagine the real life casualties… if you know what I mean!


Union Corps gather at Gettysburg…
Cemetery ridge full of Union troops.
Longitudinal perspective…
A hard nut to crack!

GETTYSBURG Dusk (01-07-1863) 6MM

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All the scenery has been “slided” up North to have more room for the second day.

Still under construction (thought it would be quicker!)…

Union troops concentrate in Cemetery Ridge…

Longstreet has not arrived yet… no news of Stuart.

Union troops will arrive and deploy during the night (and entrench!)


Still under construction…
Still under construction…

GETTYSBURG 1st July evening. 6MM

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It has been a victory for the Confederacy… but a confused one because at brigade level there was much mismanagement and uncoordination… also at divisional level if you ask me…

Lee arrives in the field… confers with Ewell and A.P.Hill but decides to wait for Longstreet…

On the Union side, the most difficult of manoeuvres is succesful… retreat under pressure of a bigger Army… and reorganization on the high ground.

JEB Stuart still away and Lee in the dark.

Barlow’s Division gives way and retreats…
As a result all the Union line goes backwards…
The Confederates are masters of Gettysburg… but way confused after a march and a battle… they are victorious but disorganized.
The Union Ist and XI Corps retire to Cemetery Hill and Culp’s Hill (The remains of the Iron Brigade… depleted but full of fight.
General Lee (with foreign observers on his wake) arriving to Gettysburg without much knowledge about what’s in front of him.
Overall view at dusk.

GETTYSBURG 1st July Afternoon. 6MM

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The solo wargame (or reenacment as I prefer to call them) is going on quite historically.

Summing up, Lee does not want a general engagement without Longstreet which is the farthest of the action.

Barlow’s Division has got a piece of high ground on the extreme Union right flank but his position is “in the air”… with lots of space empty behind him… and he is under heavy pressure.

The Union center is holding up before uncoordinated attacks.


Barlow’s Division North of Gettysburg…
Close up
Battle for McPherson’s ridge…
Iron Brigade on the first line…
The Union center…

GETTYSBURG 1st July Midday. 6MM

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Buford is fighting a delaying action under heavy pressure… Reynolds has been shot by a Reb sharpshooter (leading from the front).

XI Corps is going through Gettysburg.

Ist Union Corps is going to relieve Buford’s Cavalry.

Rodes (from Ewells Corps has arrived to the North of town)

Penders is in a traffic jam behind Heth.

The Union secures the high ground on Cemetery Hill. The Second brigade from XI Corps is posted there.

Quite panoramic perspective.


Union Ist and XIth Corps are in…
XIth Corps second brigade holds Cemetery Ridge.
Passing through Gettysburg…
Ewell’s Rodes Divison arrives on the North of Gettysburg.
General view.

GETTYSBURG 1st July (Morning). 6MM

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Here we go!

I know it is not very quick wargaming at all. BUT I like them quite historical (times of arrival etc).

It is impossible to detail ALL te dice throws and you will excuse me for not detailing them!


Buford cavalrymen (dismounted) fights Heths’ advancing Division.
Union Ist Corps (Reynold’s) arrives with the first Division to relieve Buford.