The Second US Cavalry as portrayed in SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON. (XV) and nearly last!

Views: 148

Ok, you are all tired… but I have finished them at last.

It only remains to varnish.

But I won´t do that until I have checked and doublechecked the figures for mistakes.

It lacks a bit of “gold” in the unifoms of the officer’s… and silly things like that… some kepis buttons… etc

DO NOT VARNISH until thoroughly dry!

Including a pink colour accident while I was doing some nice touchs on a horses’s mouth… OMG!… a splash of pink over the side of a soldier (already finished!)… ufff repaired in a hurry… will check again tomorrow.

Probably they will dry in the weekend and be varnished next week.

It was a very personal project. Next batch I will buy already painted!


Right platton Yoo!
Not the last patrol… the one before that one!
See First Sergeant Quincanon on the side…
Second Lieutenant Pennell (Harry Carey Jr)
Still doubting about the horses eyes… To do or not to do…

The Second US Cavalry as portrayed in SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON. (XIV)

Views: 131

Started work with the horses (6 are black… was able to finish only 5 today the other is on its way…)

Faces and neckties are also done.

Finally decided to varnish altogether and not in two fases (it would be necessary anyway because you need to grip from somewhere I guess…)

Hope you enjoy!

Lateral view
The other side

The Second US Cavalry as portrayed in SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON. (XIII)

Views: 137

Well, some details done! BUT I have to do the hair and the “faces” yet… meaning eyes, eyebrows and mouths… beards are fairly easy…

Finally did (not yet finished) the yellow colour!

Black stripes on the saddle bag.

Doing neckties too! Had to consult the film again to get them right!

Now… next week it would be the horses… if I do not gloss varnish the soldiers first… always nagging doubts… if I do varnish with gloss the riders and let them dry they will provide a very good hold to grip while doing the horses… I do not want chipping now… at all…


Lateral view of the work in progress…
The other side
Semi-frontal view

The Second US Cavalry as portrayed in SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON. (XII)

Views: 128

NEVER… never throw away anything at all… the building of a box of spares is the best thing you can do in your hobby lifetime (if it lasts that long that is).

The saber is from DUCAL (bought with extra numbers to convert Life Guards and Blues and Royals with lance to troopers with sword… LONG LONG LONG time ago… this was a spare).

Of course one of the “lances” substituted is now the guidon of this patrol…

Yellow colour and then the horses I guess… or maybe I will gloss in two fases… ALL YOU NEED IS GLOSS la la la lara!


Added the saber to the Captain.
Lateral view
Frontal view
The other side

The Second US Cavalry as portrayed in SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON. (XI)

Views: 97

Well… today I did the white crossbelt and the silver swords and spurs.

Also working on the side on Winston’s horse… not yet finished but I like so far the dappled effect (Toy Soldier like NOT Military Modeling) so… do not be too harsh on it!

It seems to take ages now to finish all the petty details … but I enjoy it I guess (much encouragement on Facebook from my friends there)


Lateral view (as usual)
The other side (also as usual)
Working on it!

The Second US Cavalry as portrayed in SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON. (X)

Views: 85

Mainly black paint (boots and some other parts)

The “X” mark on some horses means they would be painted black as in the film.

Had to scratch the back of Liteunant Pennell (Harry Carey Jr.) to take the cartridge box away…

The funny things one indulge on…


Lateral view.
The other side (of course)
View from the back
View from the front

The Second US Cavalry as portrayed in SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON. (VIII)

Views: 79

Quite effective (and boring) session today… doing dark blue saddle accoutrements on the horses… tedious yes… but nearly there… LOL

Seriously what I can notstand is SUPERGLUE in my fingers… now I use the same gloves as in pandemic times.


PS: Keeping yellow colour for the last touchs!

Lateral view of the lot!
The other side…

The Second US Cavalry as portrayed in SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON. (VII)

Views: 91

Well, yes I could do the faces (not yet finished of course… it lacks eyebrows, eyes and mouth + sole moustaches and full beards…). So for those who expected Buffalo Soldiers it is not the case that was the primer colour all over.

Coming up slow but sure.

Would be fun to paint the non regulation scarves in differet colours.

And yellow stripes on breeches blue only for NCO’s and Officers.

As I have said horses would be the last.


Lateral view
Another perspective