William BRITAINS (petite) small conversions.

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Followers of this website must know I am now collecting sets of the BRITAINS CENTENNIAL COLLECTOR SERIES (1993)… to use in AGW Old school wargames.

With the Infantry there is no issue as they come in sets of 6… so two sets makes a complete Unit and that’s it. On the contrary Cavalry Sets have 4 Cavalrymen… you buy two boxes and then you have two redundant figures (redundant is a term I do not use at all) to be converted in something else.

Bought two sets of the 4th Hussars and then one trumpeter and one sergeant were promptly repainted to represent another regiment of Hussars of SIMKIN times… they will be added to the General Staff (A General always needs a trumpeter and a flag!)… or whatever… had fun messing with them… still not gloss varnished mind… probably work a bit more with the flag too (in the pic it is not correct… mend it by now!)… and why not paint the trumpeter’s horse white? (done too!)


“New” Standardbearer…
The other side…
Ex-4th Hussars…
Finally painted the horse white.Original and Conversion.
Also painted the horses lancers in other colours… too many blacks as it is!
They still lack gloss varnish… but you get the idea…

BRITAINS and REPLICA (and DORSET artillery) Victorian Army in 54mm (SIMKIN TIMES).

Views: 3

Well, finally taking shape!

I expect some brigades of Infantry from Andrew Stevenson before the 30th of June of 2025.

They do mix very well indeed even if the design and finition of REPLICA is superior, a case of the disciple surpassing the master.

Will add pics of the Hussars once conversions finished.


The whole collection so far…
The Highland Brigade.
Royal Marine Artillery and Westminster Rifles (Territorials)
The Cavalry minus the Hussars (not finished).
Royal Artillery (DORSET SOLDIERS) and BRITAINS LINE INFANTRY in the background.

BRITAINS (modern… more than 30 years old!) Centennial sets of the nineties…

Views: 6

I am nowadays buying some of this sets to hurriedly complete some projects (British SIMKIN times Army and others…).

I can not wait for the more traditional way of collecting. Probably some of this units will be “embellished” with paintjobs in the near future… I can do that mind!

Just thought to mention that for me the only “toy soldier shop” available nowadays is ebay… and that’s that… nearly instant satisfaction… at nearly 73 years old is what I need in spades!


Recent arrivals… the General is a Dorset figure…
Royal Marines Artillery
British Hussars (two of them would be “converted”.
AGW Unit
Territorials in a way…
A fast way of completing your Armies!

REPLICA… My new sets of 54mm Toy Soldiers.

Views: 6

Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
The two sets of Victorian (SIMKIN TIMES) Cavalry
Thee Highland Brigade

Forefront 6th Dragoon Guards (Carbineers) and 16th lancers in the rear rank. Pic “in process” by Andrew Stevenson.

Finally here! (meaning ANDORRA)

They are part of a larger order… but Cavalry always have an extra appeal to me.

In 2023 (by the last months) I placed an order with Andrew Stevenson (REPLICA METAL MODEL SOLDIERS)… this is part of it.

Intended to be a part of a little British Army to play AGW (Yes you’ve guessed right I will of course mess with the original rules!)

Never thought the vast amounts of patience needed nowadays to collect “la creme de la creme” (si j’ose dire)… days, weeks, months, more than a year sometimes… but well worth the wait.

The problem (main) is not the wait itself… it is my age LOL)… time is now an issue…

You can not “hurry up” Andrew… he is IMHO an “artist”… multiple interests…. multiple ranges…. multiple novelties…. multiple objectives… he also collects!…. whatever… Probably the best if you are affected by BRITAIN’s nostalgia… I have never indulged in collecting “antiques” if you think pre-WWII (or WWI for that matter) Toy Soldiers…. do not have the time… neither the money (or budget)… neither the interest (pure or purist). On the contrary I do collect NOW the Centennial sets by Britain! (You need all sorts you know…).

The use of REPLICA models in wargames is a bit of an heressy as I considere them “collector’s items” on their own right!. But boy do they bring “class” to your tabletop…

Enjoy the pics!


Coming soon…

Tradition of London (Ceremonial Troops) 54mm Toy Soldiers

Views: 4

I have been collecting sets from Tradition of London from decades… I was actually a bit distracted by others periods and scales… but they are always on my mind.

I recently put an order to give a bit of colour at one of my cabinets and Erik supplied (quite fast!) the following set: 1 Officer (British), an NCO (Indian) and two lancers for 4 Regiments with different uniforms… so far so good.

Once the parcel arrived one of the lance shafts was broken above repair and so I contacted them. A replacement is on its way… EXCELLENT service and Communications…

As I loath to gave anything away I did a bit of repairing on the “broken” lancer and he has been raised in rank (twice…LOL) and decorated… and sent the pics to Erik if that can help other customers…

Here are the pics of the little tale…


See broken lance above left.


Inspected and small “retouching”

Raised to Corporal (and out of bits of the lance to have a pacing stick)

Raised to RSM and decorated… I did not want to threw it away you know… I try to never do that… sometimes looks good enough!

Finally the replacement (FREE) arrived and the set is complete. Thanks to Erik from Tradition of London for an excellent service.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Regimental Sergeant Major 54mm (Tradition of London) small conversion.

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Curiously enough this cast (unpainted) was one of the first minis I ever painted myself (as it was mean to be… red tunic & all… and there it is still in my collection). One day I noticed I did not have thought of buying from DUCAL a RSM… so… I bought from Tradition of London the kit again and have painted in a new version with pace stick (a bit of steel paper clip).

There you have it hope you like it.

There… it only lacks the gloss finish… will add when dry!

Gloss varnished… project finished!

DUCAL Collection…Some close ups…

Views: 3

Was bored while they were doing repairs of the garage door… after all 30 years for a motor is enough… so they had to change it!… meanwhile I took some snapshots with my mobile phone to pass the time.

Here they are.

You’ve seen the cabinets many times before… but this is a new approach I guess…

First I did the RCMP Band… and was pleased by the pic…
So I went on and did the Grenadier Guards Close-up.
The Band of the Scots Guards (Pipes and Drums out of the pic)
A clse-up of my staff car (Dorset Soldiers)
And finally King Charles III (A REPLIC Cast painted by me) new addition to command the Household Division after the regretted dead of Queen Elizabeth II.

FASHODA (gone the wrong way or what if?) (I)

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Maybe in 2025 you will see “FASHODA GONE WRONG” an Old Toy Soldiers & Old Wargame entertainment (SOLO). 54MM AGW affair using British and French Colonials (NO entente cordiale… LOL)… in fact I am pretty sure that this one would be my next wargame (Old School).

You see I do not like to “kill” natives or indigenous people in my wargames… I do not collect them as “cannon fodder” (Not even in 6mm mind!)… One thing is collecting miniatures (read Toy Soldiers) and the other is not being aware of the more grim aspects of colonialism (as if Persian, Greeks and Romans… to name a few were not “colonialist” or “conquerors”)… BUT here is not the place for discussing seriously the inhuman race.

Get a sight of the troops that would be involved on the pics below. All the affair would be precipitated by the French Commander in place… General Armand d´Hubry et Nemesis desire to win the Legion d’Honneur…

French Troops (by Dorset Soldiers and REPLICA)
More French XIXth Corps d’Afrique.
British and Allies (meaning Indian Raj Troops) by REPLICA and Dorset Soldiers.
The British “proper” minis…

Of course, after that incident and its consequences either Calais or Dover would be involved in a messy action… follow that here website for more!

Britains Little Army (soon to be reinforced) is awaiting the second battle as a consequence…
