Born in 1952.
Married in 1976. Two sons and a daughter. 4 grandsons to date, 3 boys and a girl.
Arquitect in 1978.
Retired in 2016 aprox.
Lifelong Toy Soldiers aficionado.
Sickles III Corps is out “in the air” on the Union left flank… on the right flank “the fish hook” is in position because Slocum ha reinforced the position with the XII Corps.
Longstreet’s two divisions in the field (Hood and McLaws) are ending his roundabout and complicated march (because of delays and changes of direction to avoid visual detection).
It took me a long time to retake the “game”… a trip and real life interfering…
All troops are on the table (even the one’s that will arrive on the third of July as there was place to put them on).
If General Lee has had the aerial perspective I got he would have been shocked by the strenght of the Union position and the numbers of the Army of the Potomac.
In the pics you have General Meade original dispositions… some will move along as per III Corps (forward) and the reinforcement of Culp’s Hill.
Seriously, once i started putting the brigades into place I realized the hopeless situation of the Confederates attacking an entrenched superior Army uphill.
Well, I love recreating those battles on the tabletop but I am getting too old and prone to anguish when I imagine the real life casualties… if you know what I mean!
It has been a victory for the Confederacy… but a confused one because at brigade level there was much mismanagement and uncoordination… also at divisional level if you ask me…
Lee arrives in the field… confers with Ewell and A.P.Hill but decides to wait for Longstreet…
On the Union side, the most difficult of manoeuvres is succesful… retreat under pressure of a bigger Army… and reorganization on the high ground.
The solo wargame (or reenacment as I prefer to call them) is going on quite historically.
Summing up, Lee does not want a general engagement without Longstreet which is the farthest of the action.
Barlow’s Division has got a piece of high ground on the extreme Union right flank but his position is “in the air”… with lots of space empty behind him… and he is under heavy pressure.
The Union center is holding up before uncoordinated attacks.