My Union Army of the Potomac (6MM)

Views: 65

It took me years of painstakingly collecting and even painting some things myself, but more than 90% the work of Robert Jackson (Greg) and Daniel Hodgson did the Ammo Wagons (Reveille (Daniel did also all the Real State, terrain and Woods)… see ANTIETAM/SHARPSBURG Posts.

Not much to add, there are even engineers in shirtsleeves…


PS: By the end of the ACW the Union Cavalry alone had more men that the whole Confederate Army… so… better refight 1862-1863

The whole Army.
50 Brigades of Infantry
Detail (mainly Baccus but some Rapier included for variety and because they do kneeling firing minis)
Join the Cavalry!
Division Generals (POLEMOS and Altar of Freedom do not use them… but I do)
Some other Cavalry!

My Confederate Army of Northern Virginia (6MM).

Views: 73

You have recently seen them in action in the ANTIETAM/SHARPSBURG reenactment-wargame (SOLO).

I guess they are a bit difficult to photograph… one do his best believe me!

There you have the Infantry Brigades on the lower centre of the pic (by two different painters of minis), Artillery on the right of the pic, plus Cavalry mounted and dismounted, Division generals and Corps Commanders, and Robert E. Lee. There are also Cavalry fording a river (blue base) and even a stand with foreign observers.

Even if I used painting services, I added painting details here and there, and put the flags myself. At 71 I could not wait to paint them myself… lol

The standard recommended Infantry Brigade in some sets of rules are the two rows of 12 minis with 4 skirmishers in front… I did that or organize them that way until I realized there were a lot of possibilities around and the minis in the stands could add more feeling to the army. So then I did designs of my own mainly understanding that you do not need skirmishers behind earthworks and other circumstances… I hope you can zoom in on the pics. I do include one myself to make the point.

Cavalry is represented “charging” in line, but also in more conservative stances dismounted and in column of squadrons.

Some special stands to cross bridges and pontoons and of course supply wagons.

Hope you like them.


Aerial view.
Infantry Brigades (Ortodox) by Turbil Miniatures.
Much more variated use of minis in the stands by Robert Jackson (Greg)
JEB Stuart’s Cavalry
Detail and example of different ways to enhance your units (Robert Jackson’s)

Graham Hilditch’s 16th Lancers (42mm).

Views: 65

It is not the first time I Post his work, always in 42MM… but it always looks superb.

He usually uses that scenery as a background… that works very well with Infantry… and those lancers (the 16th) have had to manage to lower lances to negotiate I guess. No kidding.

Wonderful display.


A very low arch if you ask me…
Better pic
Very fine painting job
It was time he produced Cavalry!

BACCUS BIG BASES (6MM) Small scale but think BIG!

Views: 84

You only have to go to the BACCUS Forum… search for Baccus 6MM in Google and you will be easily directed to it.

We have an interesting debate about the use of Big Bases for wargaming (I am against it in MY games because I love flexibility and it took me ages to adopt the system one stand equals a Brigade… even if I am pretty satisfied now).

No doubt they are little works of art. Military Modeling I dare say!… but for wargames purposes I have my doubts.

Mind, always on the back of my mind there is the idea of building a unit in 1/1 ratio in 6MM… but NOT in a single base… I did it once with Captain Dajou’s third Co at Camerone in 25/28MM (Hacienda de Camarón) 1863… but they were in single bases or maximum two minis per base if I recall alright… there are pics somewhere in this webpage… search for it if interested… but I digress.

Peter Berry has it’s own legion of customers (me included) and the Forum on his web is probably one of the most satisfactory experiences for 6MM aficionados… full of ideas and suggestions of proxies for rare periods…

I thought maybe a post about it would interest the lot (or some) of you.

As you have seen in my ANTIETAM/SHARPSBURG series my biggest base is a 60×30 mm … so not going to change that for nothing!


I have always loved Peter’s output!
Even clearer!
A Cavalry “Unit”
Infantry Unit (Complete)
When in “scenic surroundings”…
Another shot!

Scott Lesch’s Own Battle of Puebla (First) Franco-Mexican War 1862.

Views: 55

Those 54mm by Scott are always stirring toy soldiers!… Do not tell me the subject is well known!

Exotic to say the least!

Napoleon’s III intervention in Mexico (Because the Mexicans were not paying their international debt!)… follow the money!

Wonderful Toy Soldiers!


French Attack!
Mexican Lancers!
Mexican Army Line
French Artillery.
French Elan!


Views: 61

Well, an update was needed… Hooker’s first and second Divisions are tired/spent and Mansfield is coming up. Six Union Brigades depleted are going to the rear area and would not intervene in te battle again.

Same on the other side, Jackson’s Eight Brigades are gone to the rear spent/tired/out of ammo (whatever in my rules)… and concentrate around Sharpsburg… Funnily enough (say dice are wise) The Louisiana Tigers did put a fierce show until forced to retire.

We are in for Sumner’s attack and Burnside’s crossing the bridge of his name…

I may be accused of making the rules as things develop which is not true… by luck they do function but will adjust once this particular reenactment is finished.

Enjoy! (If you are interested in this series)

General view.

Burnside’s on the move… to the bridge…

Sumner’s advance (II Corps)

Confederates and Union troops from the first clash on the Right Flank retire spent/tired and are replaced by other units.

Hood’s Texans advance

Confederates behind rail fence at the Sunken Road.

Playing with Toy Soldiers (Gavin Holliday’s Own) part III

Views: 58

Already another Post is in Facebook… do not know if I will publish here… do not know why the more the number of Posts on a subject the less Hits it gets… I guess the majority likes “something new all the time”.


I do what I can really!


The Cavalry goes on reconnaissance…
Hussars… or Light Cavalry…
Small number commanded by a NCO.

Cavalry on the plains. (I)

Views: 70

U.S. Cavalry has always been a cherished subject since childhood… those John Ford movies did an everlasting work!

I saw this on Facebook (by Dave Mitchell) the other day and thought maybe change a little from Antietam in 6mm (You all must be tired of the subject by now!).



I know it is Custer’s 7th
Spectacular fall…
Another view…

Playing with Toy Soldiers (Gavin Holliday’s Own) part II

Views: 56

For once I will repeat a text entirely!

“In a way, a suite of pics that shows that it is easy to roleplay (in fact it was not even called roleplaying at all back then) with 54mm vintage Toy Soldiers… and “damn the torpedoes”…

Eclectic? Yes

Old Fashioned? Yes

Childish? Yes

Fun? Yes



Trrops cross over pontoon bridge!
Seen from the back (queuing in fact).