Gettysburg wargame in 75mm (PLAYMOBILS)

Views: 74

I once sold a collection of ACW Playmobils because I did not want my grandchildren to fight brother against brother… LOL… if I had new they will enjoy playing videogames with plenty of shooting and killing with machine/laser/guns… oh dear!… I feel like a Neanderthal sometimes…

Recently have bought Playmobils (AGAIN) Prussians to fight the Brits at Dorking à la Wells… missile launched from canons… hope that the smaller of my grandchildren will appreciate… have my doubts (sometimes he thinks older than me).


Big Table of course!

See the chairs!… For ONCE! this is not an estatic DIORAMA!… I thought I was the only fool that indulged in that!

Nile Gunboat

Views: 64

Those asiduous in this webpage will recognise a recurrent theme… a lot of wargamers and modelers actually enjoy doing Nile Gunboats! Even yours truly indulged in scratchbuilding a tiny one in 25mm for my MINIFIGS (LOL) I must look in the vault to see if I found a pic… (a sorry example compared with those in 54mm).


Very nice model and crew!

54mm Toy Soldiers

Views: 63

I am currently in the middle of upgrading my units to 12 Infantry to play test AGW in my Table (it was longer than I thought to “clean up” the mess of my office)… Will probably confront my French Foreign Legion DORSET against British India Kakhi REPLICA… quite if the FASHODA incident had happened in Lybia somehow I do not have the heart (and time and money) to build a Prussian Army and “go to Dorking”… if you know what I mean… Now all depends on DORSET and REPLICA whom has to provide the missing minis to get those units to 12 Infantry per unit!. Enjoy

Ever popular scale I guess…

More British Guards

Views: 59

Somehow a monotonous subject, but as the Imperial Guard Grenadiers the most popular ever with collectors and wargamers alike. You can not buldt a 54mm toy soldier collection eluding those I guess… neither your wargaming Napoleonic French Army will do without the other… that’s how it is and would be. Enjoy

Quite a rather good pic!

More “B” series…

Views: 59

I am a Guards fan since young (I was born very young as Groucho Marx used to say)… somehow the pic seems to have catch the Guards with quite a slopiness rifles stance angle if you know what I mean… if they were in my collection some bending and regluing of arms would have been in order. But you need all sorts you know… Very nice pic. Enjoy.

Great minis and scenery… always thought the Guards got to carry their rifles at a steady angle…