ZULU DAWN in 6mm (Zulu War II)

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Well, I took some pics this afternoon.

It has the influence of Ian Knight brilliant output, Mike Snook’s (Lt. Col.) HOW CAN MAN DIE BETTER and the ZULU DAWN film.

The minis are mainly Baccus 6MM range (Colonial) with some conversions and minis from the spare box (heavily converted as Rapier Confederates prove)… and the standardbearers mounted do not exist too in the range…

An enjoyable afternoon.

Hope you like!

Mr. Vereker Sikali ptrol reveals or discover the main Zulu Impi.
Some skirmishing shots to warn the camp!
Col. Durnford rides with the Cavalry (read mounted infantry) to the right flank of the British Camp.
Colonel Pulleine deploys his Co`s too far from the Ammunition Wagons (IMHO)
View from the Zulu “Chest”
Col. Durnford retires by Units under pressure from the Zulu Impi left horn.
This retrograde movement by the book will eventually uncover the right flank of the Imperial Infantry Line.
When the low ammunition makes the firing line slack in firepower the chest of the Impi goes forward and some rallying Company Squares are tried… to no avail.
Captain Younghusband last charge! (Extreme left flank of the British Line)
Melville and Coghill ride to save the Colour!
Last moments at the camp… some dismounted Natal Mounted Police & Carbineers, with Durnford, and the remains of the Imperial Infantry. Fade to Black.

Author: Alejo Dorca

Born in 1952. Married in 1976. Two sons and a daughter. 4 grandsons to date, 3 boys and a girl. Arquitect in 1978. Retired in 2016 aprox. Lifelong Toy Soldiers aficionado.