Graham Hilditch’s 16th Lancers (42mm).

Views: 68

It is not the first time I Post his work, always in 42MM… but it always looks superb.

He usually uses that scenery as a background… that works very well with Infantry… and those lancers (the 16th) have had to manage to lower lances to negotiate I guess. No kidding.

Wonderful display.


A very low arch if you ask me…
Better pic
Very fine painting job
It was time he produced Cavalry!

BACCUS BIG BASES (6MM) Small scale but think BIG!

Views: 21

You only have to go to the BACCUS Forum… search for Baccus 6MM in Google and you will be easily directed to it.

We have an interesting debate about the use of Big Bases for wargaming (I am against it in MY games because I love flexibility and it took me ages to adopt the system one stand equals a Brigade… even if I am pretty satisfied now).

No doubt they are little works of art. Military Modeling I dare say!… but for wargames purposes I have my doubts.

Mind, always on the back of my mind there is the idea of building a unit in 1/1 ratio in 6MM… but NOT in a single base… I did it once with Captain Dajou’s third Co at Camerone in 25/28MM (Hacienda de CamarĂ³n) 1863… but they were in single bases or maximum two minis per base if I recall alright… there are pics somewhere in this webpage… search for it if interested… but I digress.

Peter Berry has it’s own legion of customers (me included) and the Forum on his web is probably one of the most satisfactory experiences for 6MM aficionados… full of ideas and suggestions of proxies for rare periods…

I thought maybe a post about it would interest the lot (or some) of you.

As you have seen in my ANTIETAM/SHARPSBURG series my biggest base is a 60×30 mm … so not going to change that for nothing!


I have always loved Peter’s output!
Even clearer!
A Cavalry “Unit”
Infantry Unit (Complete)
When in “scenic surroundings”…
Another shot!

Bill Horan’s Own 2023

Views: 152

I am an admirer of his work. Military Modeling at it’s BEST!

Those around FILADELFIA (Philly) can see them for themselves in the near future! If I have understood alright.

Enjoy the craftsmanship.

The Guards Colours in the Crimean War… (Won Best Historical 2023 in Philly!)
Highland Light Infantry I guess…
Looks like Camel Corps
Highlander helping a sailor…

Dilley’s (Senior) works…

Views: 60

Always have admired the work of the Dilley’s (father & son)… even bought the book (the original one in e-bay or amazon second hand shops… not sure exactly) done years ago and it is a treasured one in my collection.

I do not paint in mat, more Toy Soldier Classical gloss varnish for me… but as with Military Modeling I do appreciate CRAFTSMANSHIP!…



French Officers.
Another pic.
And another.

Modeling the 17th Lancers (Zulu War)

Views: 80

It is quite difficult to publish everyday of the year something worthwhile… but lately this silly fixation of mine is getting easier by the sheer qualty of the pics that are published in Facebook.

I have already said a lot of times that I only have in my modest collection less than ten models like that.

But I do appreciate them enormously… after all they are the painting guide we all use in smaller scales and efforts.



Frontal view (seen in Facebook)
Lateral view.

Diorama in a small base.

Views: 66

Not my thing at all (personally) but I know quality when I see it. That bloody part of the late XIXth Century whem the European Powers (all of them) expanded “civilization” and “commerce”… all round the world… globalization at the point of the bayonet!

Masterful Military Modeling if you please!

In this case French troops.


Very good “composition” if you ask me…

REPLICA comes back with an orgy of redcoats!

Views: 63

The long awaited return of REPLICA is here!… and this set from the owner is very similar (enhanced by a lot more of figures for the pic) to a commission from the National Army Museum (UK).

What else can I say?


A very similar composition is now at the National Army Museum… courtesy of REPLICA!
Another view of the decorations to Royal Fusiliers!
They look very similar but the details are important!
My own work would never be in a Museum… but I love that some figures in my collection are from Andrew Stevens from REPLICA!

Custer & Little Big Horn

Views: 94

Since I saw Errol Flynn killed by Anthony Quinn in THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON it become a lifelong interest… I was puzzled as a child because it seemed to me the US Cavalry HAD to WIN no matter what… of course real life is not like that… I guess I have already mentioned that on other Posts in this Blog but nevertheless…

It has been a rewarding passion mainly reading&collecting books about it and trying to understand what happened that 25th of June… of course all films (but Little big man) related to and hundreds (literally) of miniatures for wargames purposes (in 28mm, 15mm and 6mm to do not mention my 75mm Playmobils).

After 70 years exposed to it I have come to the conclusion that Custer was put on a NO WIN – NO WIN situation… mainly by fate and circumstances but also for bad scouting, not believing his own scouts, and betrayed by his own experience fighting Plains Indians… the whole Reno Benteen paranoia is simply that a paranoia… the Native Americans where there in enough numbers (ask Crook), interior lines of communication, perfect ground for his tactics, and the will to fight for survival. The Indians Won. That’s that.

A magnificent American drama for the Centennial of the Nation.

Not much to enjoy about that of course… but a fascinating subject. There are a lot of trash books about it (and films too)… I can recommend the opus of Frederick Wagner III THE STRATEGY OF DEFEAT and the novel (fictional-history but it reads as History) A ROAD WE DO NOT KNOW.

Be impartial!

One of my childhood obsessions…

Something by John Clarke.

Views: 58

There is something fascinating in that process… to mend, repare, adjust and polish and “create” a piece unique… it gives you satisfaction.

Not that big projects have not charm… but sometimes a single figure gives you the whole catarsis condensed… guess you know what I mean.

I liked it… hope you enjoy too!

Done and primed.
Another view.

Graham Hilditch’s Band!

Views: 52

No Band of Brothers I guess… but a tour de force! doing or printing in 3D those instruments in 42mm is an small wonder. Congratulations on a job well done!


Britains style B scale Cheshire Regiment band. As Britains never made smaller scale 42mm band figures, these are all converts and homecasts. Musical instruments in this scale were difficult to source. Some are scratch made and others 3D printed.