Lost Pic!

Visits: 54

Sometimes Murphy is right!… I have intended to post this pic for days… and never found where the hell I kept it in the Vault… Today so help me God… I have done three posts instead of one… due to me accidentally found it by pure chance…


I simply lost this pic inside “the Vault”… been searching for it days and days! Just my kind of thing (something by James Opie I think but not sure)

Bowley’s Own

Visits: 52

There seems to be a lot of Prussians lately… but that’s what it is… sometimes wargamers do have to follow a fashion no matter what (me included). Prussia had a span of 30 years before integrating Great Germany after 1870… and still… they are very popular (as anything before WWI and WWII)… LOL


A lot of Prussians advancing…
The French opposition!

Dorset/Imperial “new” castings.

Visits: 56

I have a lot of ideas and pics to post this days… but those arrived yesterday and have got priority no matter what… My FFL order to complete an Army is underway and in good hands… simply ask Antony!… he will deliver… this is as silly as commending a good Restaurant… afterwards no way to book a table for you!… but he deserves it in spades… ask Scott Lesch if in doubt!

Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I do.

FFL bugler charging!
Another view of the same figure!
FFL ensign or standard bearer charging!
FFL Officer charging on foot!

New Home

Visits: 101

It was not easy to transport this part of my 54mm collection but it was worth the effort believe me!

After all I am going to play one against the other, and game them alone too (one at a time) depending on scenarios.


The French Foreign Legion in a big cabinet at the ex-office… 99% DORSET
Same for the British around 1880 99% REPLICA

Castings from DORSET/IMPERIAL (again)

Visits: 46

I must say all this posts are against my own interests… my orders get delayed and delayed because new orders arrive daily at DORSET/IMPERIAL HQ’s… LOL but I must admit they deserve “the plug”… those lovely figures once painted would be proud pieces of a collector… no doubt about that… in the meantime I guess I would have to email Antony asking what about mine? LOL (again)… now seriously one must be patient dealing with the world of conversions and Toy Soldiers “a la carte”… it is not the same to ask for ready made sets than to ask for special pieces… this take time… but the results are worth the wait!


A Dorset/Imperial Conversion for a german customer…
Other conversions using the same basic body…

Visiting an Exposition

Visits: 64

A forgotten pic on the vault… I also forgot who was the gentleman who took the pic… but you get the idea… there are still places where the hobby is taken seriously and they dedicate space and cabinets to show beautiful collections… so… not all is lost!


The chap who posted this in Facebook had a lovely day at a museum of Toy Soldiers

Paul’s Own Gordon’s

Visits: 54

It is not always that you can show the result of direct influence (not that I consider myself an influencer at all!) but it is funny to know Paul Watson built a unit of Highlanders as a result of lending a hand to a desperate chap (myself).


Paul’s Own

As a bonus, because too much Gordon’s lately another couple of pics about vintage figures and where the Gordon’s fought too!… Just an alignment of planets I guess…

Vintage figures
Good old wargaming!