Winston Spencer Churchill as a young lieutenant…

Visits: 57

I promised yesterday… so…

It was a poor attempt to “model with miliput” because it is never been “my thing”… but I was tempted to try to do a “Toy Soldier piece unique” (as I can not match the “true” Bill Horan’s in our miniature world).

It all started simply enough, I had a redundant arm with pistol… a couple of horses (Empty Horses David Niven would say in his memoirs) with no rider… and I asked Antony Spencer from DORSET SOLDIERS to send me a British Colonial Rider without right arm. Still planning to do a French ADC (mounted) for the other horse…

Once I got it… I decided to try my hand at what Antony Stevens does effortlessly, meaning adding binocular case and a haversack to a rather “plain figure”… I also worked a bit on the horse (which was already painted since many years ago) adding valise and equipment… I showed all that to you in a Post not so long ago (about end of December 2022).

Well here it is the result of my job in some pics… and YES he is standing on the stirrups!… not at a 100% satisfied but not bad for a first try since God knows when… Never thought “minimalist” Toy Soldiers would be so difficult to do!

Enjoy! (not so easy today!)

Do you remember?
End result!
Lateral view!
The other side…

Some of my French Foreign Legion

Visits: 85

A nearly forgotten pastime… (by yours truly)… painting your own figures… meaning buying the casts naked of paint… and DIY job… it was fun (again)… the toy Soldier style is much uncomplicated.

Thanks to Antony Spencer from DORSET SOLDIERS who understood perfectly what I needed and took the trouble to assemble the kits for me.

Curiously enough they mix very well with my old figures (they have decades in real time difference).

Thought you would like to see some of mine for a change!


54mm DORSET figures (some painted by me)
Kneeling Officers done by me.
Detail before painting bases green (Front row are “new”… back row “old”)
The whole new additions waiting Varnish…(Yes there is Young Winston too! more tomorrow about him)
I gave some medals yesterday… LOL

Toy Soldiers “in action” by Scott Lesch!

Visits: 67

Nowadays a hard core of aficionados has rediscovered the charm of wargaming (without throwing pellets) in 54mm scale with Toy Soldiers. After all it is a normal consequence of 28mm skirmish type of games… I am in it in spades… you will see in a couple of days when I post my “new” additions to an Army of French Foreign Legion figures by DORSET SOLDIERS… painted by myself because once retired it is a rediscovery (not exclusively for the less money involved.. because you get it exactly right!… and even fastest than to wait fot them to paint them).

Not that I do not buy painted one’s… in general they do paint better than me (specially Andrew Stevens who seems to get his shop REPLICA ready for business again!… and that is a piece of excellent news!). Dorset Soldiers (now amalgamated with IMPERIAL MINIATURES and ALL THE QUEEN’S MEN) do paint better than me too!… bu I have the patience and the time (Or whatever amount of time remains… LOL).


They can not be nicer…
Another shot!
And Another!… I just love his figures…

“Grandeur”… French always had a touch of style…

Visits: 51

Straight from THE VAULT…

I am unusually happy with myself, as yesterday I discovered where I had put my old colour catalogues of DORSET SOLDIERS (from Giles brown time!)… that would facilitate enormously my emails and chats with Antony Spencer the actual “magic maker”… Only Old Hands would understand what I am talking about… but never mind… we old men are like that!

Enjoy the pic!

Seen in Facebook… majestic!

Something by John Clarke.

Visits: 55

There is something fascinating in that process… to mend, repare, adjust and polish and “create” a piece unique… it gives you satisfaction.

Not that big projects have not charm… but sometimes a single figure gives you the whole catarsis condensed… guess you know what I mean.

I liked it… hope you enjoy too!

Done and primed.
Another view.

A blast from the past!

Visits: 64

I found this pic on “The Vault” (at least mine)… surely I kept it there for some time (as seen in facebook) to Post it in a festive ocassion… they look very Napoleonic to me (to be sure)… I have seen them in real life when very young but my pocket money was not up to them I guess… found them delightful (and probably expensive)… but there you are some aspects of the hobby ARE expensive… a pity I did have not the proper address to collect them when I started seriously… or maybe they were not available then…

Currently reading ebooks edited by John Curry about the origins of the modern wargame… interesting nostalgic stuff about early rules… not that I follow any rules but my own… but I have said this plenty of times already!


Oldies but Goldies