GETTYSBURG 1st July Midday. 6MM

Views: 256

Buford is fighting a delaying action under heavy pressure… Reynolds has been shot by a Reb sharpshooter (leading from the front).

XI Corps is going through Gettysburg.

Ist Union Corps is going to relieve Buford’s Cavalry.

Rodes (from Ewells Corps has arrived to the North of town)

Penders is in a traffic jam behind Heth.

The Union secures the high ground on Cemetery Hill. The Second brigade from XI Corps is posted there.

Quite panoramic perspective.


Union Ist and XIth Corps are in…
XIth Corps second brigade holds Cemetery Ridge.
Passing through Gettysburg…
Ewell’s Rodes Divison arrives on the North of Gettysburg.
General view.

GETTYSBURG 1st July (Morning). 6MM

Views: 235

Here we go!

I know it is not very quick wargaming at all. BUT I like them quite historical (times of arrival etc).

It is impossible to detail ALL te dice throws and you will excuse me for not detailing them!


Buford cavalrymen (dismounted) fights Heths’ advancing Division.
Union Ist Corps (Reynold’s) arrives with the first Division to relieve Buford.

GETTYSBURG 1st July (morning). The game moves steadily forward. 6MM

Views: 236

Battle is about to start.

I am going to take my time with that one.

I enjoy the step by step approach following the books you all have…


Buford’s Cavalry is in position.
Overall view of my ex-office with the 10 Corps involved deployed (3 Rebs and 7 Yankees)
A Confederate Corps of 3 Divisions.
A Union Corps also of 3 Divisions.
General Lee HQ’s + foreign observers + Reserve Artillery

GETTYSBURG 1st July Early Morning (Gettysburg 6MM).

Views: 185

On of the advantages of a permanent table and wargaming solo (sometimes I call it reenacment) is the use of TIME!

Some people like my layout some don’t.

No matter what it is really functional.


Buford’s Brigade arrives.
McPherson’s Ridge and the unfinished railroad cut.
Ist and XIth Corps UNION still out of the table…

Unorthodox basing of 6mm minis in 60x30mm stands. Baccus Army of Northern Virginia.

Views: 246

Made some pics today showing variants or different ways to base minis in a standard 60x30mm stand.

All minis are 6mm Baccus and the buildings are all Leven.

After building a collection of brigades in an orthodox way (meaning two lines of 12 minis and 4 skirmishers forward… as recommended on the most popular rules). I started to think that what really mattered was the Brigade stand per se. So it existed leeway to the way you could glue or organize the minis on the stand to add aesthetic effects and variety.

Here is some of the results. I used the Army of Northern Virginia for the pics but the Army of the Potomac has the same treatment in my collection.

Hope you enjoy.

4 Brigades (Second line does not have skirmishers forward, 3 small Regiments on the front Brigades; second line flanks refused.
More heterodox basing of minis.
Two brigades with 2 Regiments each.
Other variants: Front left VMI (a la HORSE SOLDIERS), front right 2 different size regiments, the one on the extreme right is different.Second line: Brigade of 3 regiments on the left, Brigade charging on the right (Can also be used for routed troops)

ZULU DAWN in 6mm (Zulu War II)

Views: 286

Well, I took some pics this afternoon.

It has the influence of Ian Knight brilliant output, Mike Snook’s (Lt. Col.) HOW CAN MAN DIE BETTER and the ZULU DAWN film.

The minis are mainly Baccus 6MM range (Colonial) with some conversions and minis from the spare box (heavily converted as Rapier Confederates prove)… and the standardbearers mounted do not exist too in the range…

An enjoyable afternoon.

Hope you like!

Mr. Vereker Sikali ptrol reveals or discover the main Zulu Impi.
Some skirmishing shots to warn the camp!
Col. Durnford rides with the Cavalry (read mounted infantry) to the right flank of the British Camp.
Colonel Pulleine deploys his Co`s too far from the Ammunition Wagons (IMHO)
View from the Zulu “Chest”
Col. Durnford retires by Units under pressure from the Zulu Impi left horn.
This retrograde movement by the book will eventually uncover the right flank of the Imperial Infantry Line.
When the low ammunition makes the firing line slack in firepower the chest of the Impi goes forward and some rallying Company Squares are tried… to no avail.
Captain Younghusband last charge! (Extreme left flank of the British Line)
Melville and Coghill ride to save the Colour!
Last moments at the camp… some dismounted Natal Mounted Police & Carbineers, with Durnford, and the remains of the Imperial Infantry. Fade to Black.

The Zulu War in 6MM (I)

Views: 252

A six months “War” full of pathos because Isandlwana… a British Empire act of rascality (well that’s what Empires do anyway…) got a bloody nose and was “put right” even before a “new” commander in chief could arrive (read Wolseley). Have some pics.

Well, maybe the summing up is too brief and harsh… after all there are so many books (good) abut it… and splendid movies… ZULU DAWN and ZULU (The second was released ages before the first… but it is better to watch in the proper order)… and than you have Eshowe and other actions… have always been a fan since I saw ZULU at the theater… then there was no VHS no DVD no BluRay… LOL… spectacular…


Rorke’s Drift (Leven model painted by Daniel Hodgson) Baccus figures painted by Robert Jackson.
Ulundi “square” lateral view. (I did the 17th lancers myself and the mounted standard-bearers…)
Ulundi seen from the Zulu side…(Zulu capital).

Finally there with those proxies in 6MM. (Baccus)

Views: 227

After some gluing up, I finally organized the Zulu War Cavalry… even some mounted Infantry to be redcoated yet.

I started with the 17th lancers from my spares box… and followed with some NNC Cavalry (also from the SB)… but the Natal Mounted Police and Carbineers come from GREG… after organizing and basing (pending flock) I did a surplus contingent of mounted Infantry.

Curiously enough, I can be heterodox in the basing because small colonial affairs permit it (IMHO)… but I am quite ortodox in basing with big conflicts like the ACW (but for Artillery Commanders and other markers I use (deviating from the more popular Rulesets!)… all is a matter of personal satisfaction I guess.

That ends another Project in 6MM.

Probably my last!


Both mounted and dismounted Cavalry (auxilliary but the 17th lancers).

6MM indulgence with the “spares box” or a bit of proxies…

Views: 146

I am waiting for a small parcel from “Greg” (yet again), it would contain some carts with bullocks and some Natal Mounted Police & Carbineers + Durnford and Vereker (If they are spelled like that which I doubt)… too many visualizations of ZULU DAWN I guess… has little mistakes but a much better film that the recent Ridley-Scott NAPOLEON extravaganza… (I would have written a much better script myself & other thousands of armchair generals).

So, getting to the point… I perused in the “spares box in 6MM” (never throw away anything is the correct approach in any scale) and rescued some ACW Rapier cavalry that I painted as NNC Cavalry (both mounted and dismounted); but as it is I found a lot of surplus of Prussian Dragoons Standard-bearers and with very little customization are now converted into the 17th lancers (of ULUNDI policing the Empire fame).

And what’s more!… found a half painted Romans Command figures that I complemented with an Arab Lancer posing as a Numidian Prince… and what not!…

I even went as far as converting with a paint job only of the figure three 21st lancers to make up the numbers of the 17th (from kakhi to dark blue)… they are the first case of doing a “transfer of men between Regiments” (LOL).

Have some pics!… BTW it is really easy to paint 6MM… believe me… just a matter of practicing a bit… and they are so cheap!


My 21st lancers (the three figures in the rear rank-middle are now converted)
The “new” units done and in the making…
Here they are (A pic too big maybe but this way you see the “painting job”
They will be based differently… maybe like this (The 17th I mean)
New Roman stands before “finishing” the flocking.

Compared to my old one…