The long grey line

Views: 71

A very traditional Sunday morning I fear… but some pics deserve a post in their own right. Not much to comment I guess.

Going to start a new thread in the Proxies Department chez Baccus (6mm) in search of British Guards with Bearskin proxies (a la ALMA and INKERMAN) but to decide if I use 6mm instead of 54mm in A GENTLEMAN’S WAR wargame rules… there are units one fancies but not the whole Armies… and there is no better place to use them than in Fantasyland (but not FANTASY if you follow me).

Enjoy the pic.

Surely deserve a place here… as seen in Facebook HIRIART LEAD FIGURES.


Views: 55

So, the old question arise… what would you do?… keep them as Historical Vintage Items?… or… Repaint and Restore?…

I must admit that when confronted with it in the past I opted, after thinking about it, for the second option. Even more I sold them once restored because problems of mixing up sizes and scales in 54mm with others manufacturers…

Was I right?… I do not really know… Those below are not mine… as seen in Facebook by Arno Durieux..

Before Restoration
After Restoration


Views: 470

That glorious moment when the job is done!… a close look at the matt will show you the hard work and love put into those Toy Soldiers… Ready to March and Fight on the Tabletop!… and remember the main thing TOY SOLDIERS never die…

Those are not mine at all but I can understand the pride of the painter!

Seen in Facebook…

Spaniards for a change.

Views: 67

You won’t see many Spanish Soldiers on my web page because I do not collect the subject (and I was one of them for thirteen months and no particular glamour at all… really good Infantry if you ask me). Ten years later my little brother was in the Cavalry… no comments!

Those figures are converted Britain’s by Timothy Hyndman, the cavalry in the background are by Freddie Green. As seen in Facebook.

Those are Conversions (circa 1900)

Lancers for traditional AGW wargaming…

Views: 78

First two pics by John Firth and the last by John Clarke. All easy to see in Facebook if you go to A GENTLEMAN’S WAR group… I dutifully bought the rules by Howard Whitehouse… they are fun to read… but not what I do with 54mm Toy Soldiers… You need all sorts you know…

Those are very fine Toy Soldiers and excellently painted, I do not use mine with those rules, and I have to say they are more “historically collected” and only for display because I have them in 6mm too… and there is where I wargame…

French Lancers
Rather fancy lancers…
The officer is out of THE PRISONER OF ZENDA… aka Douglas Fairbanks Jr.

Paul Watson’s Own (Boer War)

Views: 64

Seen in Facebook as usual… I am a fan of PW output… more in a few days I guess… inventive, craftsmanship and jolly good results!… Some of those Toy Soldiers are a 100 years old… so a little respect!

It is my absolute limit. Nothing interests me after the second Anglo-Boer War… or 1900 to be precise… even the tragic end of the guerrilla war and the concentration camps I found deeply distressing and not a matter of amusement at all. So be it. This is MY limit.


Vignettes to end a collection…

Views: 80

You must be tired of my wanderings, but that surely completes the big cabinet.

Now, if only Andrew Stevens admits orders in September I would be sorely tempted in adding three or four figures to the other cabinet…

Nurses and a Medical Officer (STEADFAST)
And the Military Policemen set by STEADFAST
Could not resist adding Lestrade (Plian Clothes Detective STEADFAST)