HRH King Charles III

Views: 237

Finally decided to change the command figure of my Trooping the Colour display.

It took me almost two years to decide.

HRH the late Queen Elizabeth II has been moved to another shelve. She is still on display, but certainly not on a central role.

Time moves on.

The new figure (a REPLICA cast) painted by me.
The new King on Parade.

Happy New Year 2024!… and a bit of a retrospective 2023… a brief summary!

Views: 2

There you have it… a collection of pics is better than a long text… this is what I did in 2023… from bottom to top chronologically I am afraid!

I enjoyed the lot of projects. Some come out of nowhere… some were convoluted… some straightforward…

How the mind wanders in a year… seriously considering selling my Playmobil Collection on Ebay nowadays… lack of interest by my grandchildren… and need of space… that happens…

Hope you enjoy my recollections!

Finally varnished, dry, and ready to play!
Command Group detail!
lanyard corrected!
A nice little collection in Khaki…

I do not remember if I did that on 2023… but probably!
My only 42MM soldier!
Union Cavalry in 6mm (Baccus)
6MM Nile Gunboat (Daniel Hodgson REVEILLE production)
Rorke’s Drift in 6MM (Baccus Minis and Leven Buildings)
My avatar in 75mm.
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade (Crimea 1854) 6mm Baccus Proxies!
Repainted central Toy Soldier (substitution in the collection)
The finished Brigade of Guards Crimea 1854 (Baccus Proxies and a lot of work involved!)
The “NEW” additions (Lt. Chard and Lt. Bromhead) in their proper place. DORSET SOLDIERS.
Display of finished units!
Staff Car and Motorcycles escort!
Chard and Bromhead
XIXth Corps d’Afrique (French) in 54MM… now complete.
Confederates in 6MM (Baccus)
The whole Heavy Brigade (Crimea) 6MM Baccus proxies.
My ANTIETAM/SHARPSBURG Wargame 6MM Baccus (At the end of the game)
Another view.
Playmobils 75MM… seriously considering selling my collection of them in 2024!
Saganne in 54mm Dorset Soldiers casting painted by me…
Nathan Brittles last patrol in 6MM Baccus Proxies (Pony Wars and a scratchbuild Olivia Dandridge aka Joanne Dru).
I did this “conversion” for a W.S.Churchill at OMDURMAN…. Dorset Soldiers cast!

French Foreign Legion by Dorset Soldiers waiting Varnish (Gloss of course!)
PLAYMOBIL customized by me NWMP.
Last but not least!… this is what I remember… (fondly).

There they go… Lieutenants Chard and Bromhead “join” the 24th… at last on the pertinent shelve!

Views: 58

I had my doubts for some days… but it is over.

IMPERIAL MINIATURES (Antony Spencer) new figures won heads down… so I replace the old one’s with the new one’s.

The bugler is by Tradition of London and I did paint it myself long ago.



The old R.P. World Models are going to be repainted just a bit!

Yes, I do mis manufacturers!
Now I will have to repaint or adapt the old RPWorldModels of Chard and Bromhead into something else…

My British Redcoats, Greenjackets and Bluecoats (sailors) from Tel-el Kebir (and other adventures).

Views: 75

It is funny how I replicated my sold collection of 25MM MINIFIGS in 54MM with time.

As you know I went 6MM wargaming after a deep crisis about numbers&table space concerning 25/28MM… old news for the old reader of this posts.

Then Nostalgia struck and I bought (slowly but firmly) the minis I used to had because I missed them!… not even a childhood nostalgia… just the silly fact that I should not have had to sell them at all and simply kept them in cabinets… LOL

For those who need to know they are mainly RPWORLD MODELS; TRADITION OF LONDON; and General Wolseley is a damn fine REPLICA mini made to order by Andrew Stevenson.


I am not changing Queen for King! (in my cabinet display… but King Charles III has been added to the collection).

Views: 91

In my collection ERII will remain at the head of the Trooping of the Colour display… not that I do not have the Charles III mini too… but there you are I was born in 1952 and habits and frame die hard.

Surely Charles will do a lot of ceremonial but not so many as his mother I fear.

We collectors are like that. I think that I already did a Post about them but not going to check… today is my wife’s anniversary so… a good homage to the Queen of my heart.

Incidentally, Jack Duke from DUCAL did for me a lot of “specials” that are in this pic try to find them…


PS: On second thoughts maybe… just maybe… I will paint a King Charles III… he is from my generation after all…

YES! I did it see other Posts…

British Artillery. Mountain Guns by TRADITION OF LONDON and other various makers (RPWorld Models and others).

Views: 83

I am not a fan of Artillery, give me an Infantry Soldier or a Cavalry one any time… I do not know why but it is so… As an Infantryman myself I suppose I do not like to be a target of incoming Artillery fire… whatever… I do not have an extensive collection of models about that theme.

But of course you need them if a completist.


Above two sets of Mountain Batteries. Below Guns and Machine Guns.

A bit of Pomp and Circumstance. The Household Cavalry (DUCAL 54MM)

Views: 77

There are parts of my Collection that do not move at all… they were completed to my satisfaction and that’s that.

BUT… if I started anew they would be the first one’s I will build… see what I mean?

The British Household Cavalry Life Guards and Blues&Royals is that special part of my voyage ineludible because I was always in awe of the magnificent pageantry and display.

So here you have them in all their splendid uniforms.



Views: 69

Alan Harrison’s beautiful (and magnificent) Collection!

Those cabinets are very similar to mine but they include vintage Toy Soldiers by Lucotte and other niceties I can not afford… also is much more bigger a collection than mine… Congratulations!


More exotic!
Quite mixed subjects
Lots of Cavalry
And more…
Say WOW! if you please…