Paul Watson’s Band!

Views: 60

Paul uses thid pic sometimes to celebrate the entrance of new members in our FaceBook site (or Group)… yes… mytoysoldiersandme … 450 members from ’round the world. I am much busy nowadays and keeping the webpage alive everyday consumes my time so I do not post a lot in FaceBook… but other members do so regularly!

A great hobby!

This is not an usual subject so… enjoy!

Imaginary Nations

Views: 68

As seen in Facebook… group A Gentleman’s War of course!… delightful pics all round. Have had the rules for a long time (Howard Whitehouse) but never played a game with them… maybe in the not so distant future… but using Playmobil figures. You need etc…

A Close Up
Michael “the black” commander of the Streslau Army (John Clarke)