REPLICA (my avatar is a cast painted by me). Lanyard corrected… (some of you are eagle-eyed!)

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I used this “avatar” or pic of a RCMP Inspector General with dark blue tunic (patrol jacket in Britain) because of childhood memories.

Suddenly one day a member of Facebook commented I have painted wrong the lanyard because it was under the webbing (difficult for the pistol to be used as such at all… lol… he (or she) was right… so:

I modified the mistake.

Here are the pics, enjoy!

Original pic with lanyard under the webbing! (WRONG!)
Matter modified!
Another view.

Author: Alejo Dorca

Born in 1952. Married in 1976. Two sons and a daughter. 4 grandsons to date, 3 boys and a girl. Arquitect in 1978. Retired in 2016 aprox. Lifelong Toy Soldiers aficionado.