Repainted for the better…

Visits: 70

What a good paintjob can do for the castings (all of them) is wonderful.

Her Majesty’s Guards (or Household Division Troops) are a popular choice among collectors or simply aficionados whatever the level. It has much to do with that the daily exposure in such well know military procedures as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, The handing of the keys at the Tower of London, and similar at Windsor castle. The more “touristic attraction” the more popularity in children minds… So, let it be.

Hardly original subject… but a CLASSIC IMHO. As seen in Facebook.
Even with a bit of patience you can do it with Playmobils. (Those are my own).
By the end of your “collecting life” you would have gone megalomaniac (well, a bit). Those are mine.

There are no limits …

Visits: 63

Imagination and craftsmanship on the tabletop. Nothing to do with the real thing of course… if you fire that gun it would go backwards?… NO of course it is a self reloading mechanism that remains in place and help reload… no limits I said… that is the stuff of legendary wargames!

Somehow creative… by DER ALTE FRITZ… seen in Facebook!
Another view.


Visits: 468

That glorious moment when the job is done!… a close look at the matt will show you the hard work and love put into those Toy Soldiers… Ready to March and Fight on the Tabletop!… and remember the main thing TOY SOLDIERS never die…

Those are not mine at all but I can understand the pride of the painter!

Seen in Facebook…

Lancers for traditional AGW wargaming…

Visits: 75

First two pics by John Firth and the last by John Clarke. All easy to see in Facebook if you go to A GENTLEMAN’S WAR group… I dutifully bought the rules by Howard Whitehouse… they are fun to read… but not what I do with 54mm Toy Soldiers… You need all sorts you know…

Those are very fine Toy Soldiers and excellently painted, I do not use mine with those rules, and I have to say they are more “historically collected” and only for display because I have them in 6mm too… and there is where I wargame…

French Lancers
Rather fancy lancers…
The officer is out of THE PRISONER OF ZENDA… aka Douglas Fairbanks Jr.

Dilley’s work.

Visits: 61

Ok. Let’s pay homage and follow suite… guess those pics of Grenadier Guards by the talented Mr. Dilley will suffice… after all I was born in 1952 and she has always been there as a Queen (“THE” Queen in fact)… so it is part of my life too!

Outstanding models as usual… and never take this for granted…

You can even read the battle honours!… and YES thay are 54mm…
Just to be “complete”