Gun with a big bang… probably can outshot the limits of your tabletop…Where can French Chasseurs charge British Infantry? ,,, answer: In A Gentleman’s War…Much more my kind of Artillery… BTW see the face of the General seen his Hussars flee!
It all started with a BIG BANG… but today I have decided to take a rest… as The Kinks sung I’ts Too Hot!…
Shall I post in the future Yep never fear… as a matter of fact I will add a Post today of my pet subject… the ACW… finally decided to update the Post before this one with an ACW pic… it is good to go with a BIG BANG!
Author: Alejo Dorca
Born in 1952.
Married in 1976. Two sons and a daughter. 4 grandsons to date, 3 boys and a girl.
Arquitect in 1978.
Retired in 2016 aprox.
Lifelong Toy Soldiers aficionado.
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