Views: 79
Did the hats and the sack of oats for the horses… also experimenting with braces… not sure about the troopers yet!
Maybe tomorrow will start the faces.
Views: 79
Did the hats and the sack of oats for the horses… also experimenting with braces… not sure about the troopers yet!
Maybe tomorrow will start the faces.
Views: 2
Keep doing things and adding colours.
Painting rithm well established.
Guess small parts of the minis are faster to paint!
PS: Long finished nowadays and trying to complete the collection with another batch.
Views: 51
On the Baccus Forum we had a lively discussion or debate about the basing of ACW Cavalry.
After reading books about Brandy Station, Trevilian Station and others… I concluded that I needed more variety than the standard 60x30MM base (one brigade) of many stablished popular rules.
Here are the results.
Of course I will do my own thing as usual!
Views: 62
Having some order at last.
Now it will be more fun as details are less and less cumbersome… will let the horses colours for the end I guess.
It is useful to hold on the horse to paint the soldiers…
Views: 3
On the last parcel there were the much needed guns and sailors for the Gunboat.
The company of Highlanders on board come as an afterthought!
Omdurman has now all the troops in 6MM needed to do the wargame my way.
Views: 69
As usual I keep been doing other things at the same time… mainly polishing details on 6MM minis, and priming 54MM mounted Officers.
HM Queen Elizabeth II is there so to help in the future insignia to be painted in King Charles III, the others are a British Guards Officer with binoculars and Churchill as an Officer of the 4th Hussars 1890’s…
And YES this small one is a 42MM… the only one in my collection!
Views: 74
I had a set of Guardsmen from REPLICA and decided to assemble them after a crisis (I nearly sent them away to be painted!)… then on reflection I thought better paint myself… long winter months ahead (if there is a winter).